My Writing – Giveaway!!!


For a limited time only get a free e-book copy of the second edition The Fifth Prophet. This near future sci-fi novel begins my Family of Man series. Its plot remains deadly current and its themes put forth solutions to some of the world’s most serious problems. Follow this link .

Of course, the hope is that anyone getting a free copy will write an honest review. And then, even better, purchase the remaining books in the entire series. At least that is how it is supposed to work according to all the advice on marketing for indie writers. Other attempts at this through my publisher have been very expensive, generating some readers and some notice, but not enough to warrant going that route again. This time, it is totally self-marketing, made easy by Amazon’s giveaway program. We’ll see how it goes.

If you are a winner, I hope you enjoy my writing. If you are too late, try out some great metaphysical sci-fi on your own.