This page contains a list of characters from my books. If you follow the links deeper, you will enter into the realm of my notes and my visions of these beings. You may prefer to keep them as you imagined them. However, if you dare, you are welcome to see them as they sprang from my mind.
... The Fifth Prophet 
- Sam Hollinshead - The Fifth Prophet, mathematician and religious skeptic
- Dr. Ari Bosronov - professor of physics and mathematics from Brooklyn
- Abu BinBob - an amateur astronomer
- Dr. Jennifer Beseret - an Israeli geneticist from Tel Aviv University
- Vincent Duby - a tattooed handyman
- Tatyana (Tanya) Anastasiya Larisa Alexandrova - a Russian student
- Ulysses Patrick Graham II - a black, middle aged, intelligence agent for the U.S. government
- Stehen Wu Huang - a rich Chinese banker and venture capitalist from Macau
- Sen. Burton Teodoro Jennings - US Senator from New Mexico
- Angelo Uturuncu - a fifteen year old Incan
- Kweli Mwangunga - young coffee planter from Tanzania
- Vu Dhu Yen - Vietnamese, struggling artist and designer, raising her daughter on her own
- Oyunbileg Karabayeva - a Uyghur, who runs the Golden Jade hostel with the help of her seven daughters
... Time Travelers Are Schizophrenic 
- Sievaahdra Jesstar Aaouen - an emotisim artist and genealogist rumored to be "unstable" and to offer temporal seances.
- Krizel Kane - a physicist whose schizophrenic personalities include a teenager, a tech sidekick, and an old man
- Kunnigunde Wolf - Her poetry is mythic, heroic, and violent. She describes huge events, and her characters respond bravely. That is the way she sees life.
- Shamel Jackson - a muscular young black man, working for FoM security investigating the conspiracy of the anti-emigrationists
- Mandalay Xi Morrissey - the Governor of Luna, also called the Man in the Moon, is involved with the launching of the colonization expedition from the Luna to the outer moons of the solar system.
- Flrrmako (Fishman) - a double-decker octopus being with streamlined body and tentacles that can be compressed and combined into fins, or used separately as arms and legs for manipulation and walking. He is the Flowmiculon’s first mate and communications specialist.
- Edward Bobet - the pioneer
- Morgan Hollinshead - the ferryman
- Martin Metzger - the milkman
- Russ Hollinshead - the boyfriend
... Weeds Of Eden 
- The soul of Sievaahdra Jesstar Aaouen - ... survives in “heaven” ... he was the time traveler
- Krizel Kane - (Human) ... the metaphysicist ... worked for Dr. Aaouen for many years. K, Krizel, are Mr. Kane are his parallel consciousnesses, active inside his multiminds.
Krizel Kane's apprentices ... all are refugees, not the original FoM colonizers ... they all have the mutation.
- Lance - ... a chubby little 10 yr old boy ... curious and always getting into trouble, and very competetive ... wants to help.
- Laura - ... 7 yrs old ... always asks “Where are we going?”
- Dbee, Dyne - ... 13 year old psychological twins
- Hecktor, Griphon - ... the heroic teenaged boys ... good with technology and compassionate to his friend ... adventurous and unafraid
- Trooper, Jester, Mimi, Phul - the child actors ... Trooper (trouper) ... 12 yr old boy ... his hair sticks up in the back (like Alfalfa from the Our Gang comedies). Jester ... 10 yr old boy. Mimi (mime) ... 8 yr old girl ... French Canadian. Phul (fool) ... 7 yr old girl ... Vietnamese, with a sweet smile.
- Li Xuan - navigator (see below)
- Sally Eastey - the witch ... has a gold tooth. One of the original FoM space pioneers, she was mute from radiation scars, although medicine should have been able to fix that by now. With lots of time in space, she had the mutations long ago.
- Crew of the Lion's Fang
- Captain Kanu Eliufoo ... sparkling white teeth in the midst of a large black face, shiny shaven head.
- Lieutenant Burbel Luders ... engineer in the engine room.
- Li Xuan ... the navigator, his blond hair is crew cut in front and tied into a pony tail behind
- Iris Kobachev ... short red hair ... thin and angular from many years in space
- Flash ... First Mate ... an ugly looking toad of a man, with no neck, a shaved head like a bullet, a nose flattened presumably in a number of altercations, and never fixed
- The Doctor ... This is his first assignment.
- Passengers and survivors
- Arlo ... the young miner ... a FoM colonist ...
- Mrs. Allen ... the older woman ... a nonFoM refugee.
- Goat boy ...
- Rudolph Mainzer ... tall thin miner, was once stuck at top of London Eye.
- Stefanie ... nonFom, musician, climber, plays the violin.
- Morris ... LIRR engineer, grumpy, easily distracted, clumsy.
- Forrest Mitchell ... nonFom.
- Spacer Khan ... space lifer with stripes.
- Rev. Willard Appleton ... the personification of opposition of faith to reason ... He used to have a large church near Albany, but now is a nonFoM refugee with no usable skills.
- Reverend Appleton’s son
- Shamel Jackson - (Human) ... the young warrior ... A muscular black man in his early twenties, he has been assigned to protect Dr. Aaouen. He was a rookie, working for FoM security investigating the conspiracy of the anti-emigrationists.
- Deighd’Allos - (Bonedancer) ... the architect ... Long ago he was in the Imperial Prison at Aarghak. He is an “architect” from Corbinsity but what he is building is unclear at first.
- Kunnigunde Wolf - (Human) ... the poet ... Then her mother was killed by her abusive lover, and Kunnigunde ran off to San Francisco. Her poetry is mythic, heroic, and violent. She describes huge events, and her characters respond bravely. That is the way she sees life.
- Renaissance Aaouen - (Human) ... the Queen of Souls ... The seven year old daughter of Sievaahdra Jesstar Aaouen and Kunnigunde Wolf, born on Aargh Gough shortly after the destruction of the three worlds of Humanity. Like her mother and father, Rennie is a story teller.
- Philosss: (Ssstiessen) ... student ... a computer expert ... a reluctant young hero ... Interested in politics, he rants against the Empire, but everyone thinks it is all talk and that he is a coward.
- Trisssol Ara’medes: (Ssstiessen) ... student ... does “research” at the University with Philosss ...
- Prof. Klek: (Bonedancer) ... Professor of Temporal Anomalies of the Department of Practical Physics at the Royal University of Aargh Gough. Deighd’Allos is his third cousin on his mother’s side
- Chirrupian Brothers: (Airclimbers) ... Chirrupian the Eldest, Chirrupian the Youngest, and Chirrupian the Middle One are the leaders of a criminal gang.
- Floom Iddi: (Bubloo) ... A scrappy little mermaid with a foul mouth, half as big as a male Bubloo, she works as a clerk in the clearing house for transport to Grrargadomtal.
- Deadfeather: (Weanu) ... a fundamentalist old priest and dedicated footsoldier in the Church’s war on heresy
- Brother Swift: (Weanu) ... A mid-level functionary in the Church of Constant Truth and not a true believer.
- Soarshigh: (Weanu) ... The head of the Church of Constant Truth on Aargh Gough.
... Singularities Of The Soul Of Stephen Xi 
- Angelo (Angie) Stavinci - a middle-aged plumber and specialist in hydraulics from Cibolla, Luna, saved from certain death by a lie.
- Stephen Xi - also a plumber and specialist in hydraulics from Cibolla, Luna, but has never met Stavinci.
- Constancy Rralf the 317th - a Foreverone, the large, ursine creatures that rule the Empire.
- Willownian the Swift - an Airclimber security policeman on duty at the spaceport the day the Human refugees arrive on Chillip.
- Nisssot Wo’bandizine - a thin, old Ssstiessen with a blind spot from several eyestalks frozen straight out, a little green man in a toga.
- Arkadine the Cruel - a sadistic Airclimber prison guard, a gambler and a lowlife.
- Deapna Odo - a golden-haired, Bubloo prince captured in a battle foretold by the Emperor, but hidden among hundreds of new prisoners.
- Hecktor and Dyne - young Human lovers searching for other mutated Humans to lead into the Ectometaverse.
- Nikl, Miag, Chel - Booleyn wedding guests, and rowdy members of local clans.
- Volg the Returner, Treetoucher Tog - knife wielding, Pinkskin keepers of the Sacred Tree.
- Chyl’athos - Bonedancer soulscientist in charge of the local Temple of the Antientropians.
... Schroedinger's Cheshire Cats

- The Summoner - a devil fallen onto the surface of the infinite multiverse
- Russell Babbitt - the old philospher, reasoning it all out
- Sister Wildflight - the novice searching for the truth
- Philip Caydalis - the poet telling tales to the gods
- Dr. P. Wayne Skinner - the neuro-scientist who can read minds
- Sen. Eduardo Caron-Scheffler - the politician demanding freedom
- Boodica Stark - a warrior fighting her battles
... Perturbations Of The Reality Field

- Hackerboy - the demon that started it all
- Joe - Sebastian Travers Joseph, St. Joe Cassidy - the Wildthing (inhabiting a border collie)
- Katie Ray - the physics prodigy
- Senator Huang - the wise diplomat
- The Bikers - Joe's friends
- The Ladies - Mrs. Dennehy and Miss McCabe
- The Spacemen - Peter and Daryl Pottinger
- The Poet - Mad Erik Hase
- The Aliens -
- Mumdee - Skoleme (ratman), religious fanatic
- Greatwing6 - (praying mantis), religious leader ... - Wildthing (inhabiting a two-headed snake)
- Nimblethinker - (praying mantis), next religious leader
- Garnto - Dweller: Arrpto (bears), head of the philosopher clan
- Urgard - Dweller: Plort (bears), warrior
- Rovnanian - Wanderer, space gypsy
- Lzztess - Zllpt (shortnosed lizard) Sweetie - Wildthing (inhabiting a frog)
- Admiral Erk - Breeze (birdman), warrior class The Little Emperor - Wildthing (inhabiting a balloon pet)
- Baarth - Walker (insectoid) first mate
- Tsstsstss - (apeman), pirate
- Blue Scales (longnosed lizard) first mate
- Scar Snout (longnosed lizard) replacement first mate
- Targon and Flea pirates
- Oldthinker and Crystalson - wisemen (little green men) Big Silver - Wildthing (inhabiting a horse)
- Sharp - wiseman (scorpion) Curly - Wildthing (inhabiting a centipede)
- Reed - wiseman (plant lady) Sunshine - Wildthing (inhabiting a small yellow Breeze (bird))
... A Trojan Horse Inside A Paper Moon

- Hackerboy - the demon that started it all
- Joe - Sebastian Travers Joseph, St. Joe Cassidy - the Wildthing (inhabiting a border collie)
- Katie Ray - the physics prodigy
- Senator Huang - the wise diplomat
- The Bikers - Joe's friends
- The Ladies - Mrs. Dennehy and Miss McCabe
- Peter Pottinger - space engineer
- The Poet - Mad Erik Hase
- Heart Adourian - singer and architect of the Memory Moon
- The Paper Moon Band - Doowane, Billy, Electric Heavy, Rezza
- We-gyet - carver
- Rovnanian - Wanderer, space gypsy
- The Aliens -
- Garnto - Dweller: Arrpto (bears), mystic
- Urgard - Dweller: Plort (bears), warrior
- Lzztess - Zllpt (shortnosed lizard) Sweetie - Wildthing (inhabiting a frog)
- Admiral Erk - Breeze (birdman), warrior class The Little Emperor - Wildthing (inhabiting a balloon pet)
- Baarth - Walker (insectoid) first mate
- Oldthinker and Crystalson - wisemen (little green men) Big Silver - Wildthing (inhabiting a horse)
- Sharp - wiseman (scorpion) Curly - Wildthing (inhabiting a centipede)
- Reed - wiseman (plant lady) Sunshine - Wildthing (inhabiting a small yellow Breeze (bird))
... The Strange Reincarnation Of Lucinda Tarne

- Gerry Wong - the young computer scientist
- Madame Flora - the fortune teller automaton / artificial intelligence
- Lucinda Tarne - the young frontier girl
- Wayne - one of the Shakespeareans
- Louis Highman - billionaire founder of VIA inc.
- Mai Li - the Bang Shen spy
... Wonderball Apocalypse

- Gerry Wong - the reincarnated young computer scientist
- Lucinda Tarne - the young frontier girl
- Louis Highman - the tech entrepreneur who made the mistake
- Scully & Muldar - FBI agents looking for Gerry
- Bobby Baklava & Fredo Corleone - not FBI agents, looking for Gerry
- The Lueders - German family first to own the Wonderball
- Dr. Adabayo - the spy working for Bang Shen
- Some of those reincarnated as Wonderballs
- Stepan Mikhailovich - a Russian peasant
- Llewellyn Bobit - an English convict
- Priscilla Gibson - a frontier grandmother
- Siobhan Corker - an Irish boy
- Saralynn - a frontier Mormon wife
- Willie Carpenter - WWI ace who returns to become a spaceman
- Timothy Leary - returns as himself, working in a garage
- He Who Hunts - a stoneage hunter
- Ishikawa Taiga - the Samurai warrior, now a tutor of a weakling kid
- Rajendra Banarjee - a tech support agent for VIA
- Mother Iolanda - a Romanian psychic
- Mustafa Kamal - a jihadi wannabee
- Bayanchur Khan - a warlord
- Chodak - a young Budhist Boddhisatva
- Bruce - an American trekker
- Lao Zhou - a Daoist truck driver
- Manager Zhang - a Confucian Chinese factory manager for Bang Shen
- Agent Thomas - the special agent in charge of finding Gerry, dead or alive
- Rev. Lothbrook - along with his Wonderball, Mary Ellen, the founder of the Church of Crystal Spirits
- Dr. Janowski - a scientist trying to prove the Wonderballs are a hoax perpetrated by Gerry Wong
- Freddie - a young boy who wants to build his own Wonderball
- Athabasca Reynolds - the newscaster for ...
- Diego Robitz - a robotics entrepreneur
- Kat Kookaburra - the handle of the developer of Wonderball World website
- Crusher, Jorge, and Julio - the cartel toughs operating the growfarm for Wonderballs
- Sherriff - the Sherriff of Tonganoxie
- Granny Lebeuf - the voodou Mambo
- Philip Lebeuf - the voodou Oungan
- The Shakespeareans
- Wayne - runs an electronics repair shop and has the farm in Lburg
- Pamela - has the sloop Rescue
- Margaret - was hiking the Appalachina trail
- Amun Singh - a Sikh, has a traveling video game truck
- Devonn - works for Google, picks up Pamela, Amun, and Gerry in Memphis
- Fred - working on his MBA at NYU
- Ricardo - joined the Marines
- Gracie and Madison - now married
- Maria - teaching elementary ed in Brooklyn, now the head of the "family" that controls the gambling on the Game