young, male, Asian-American
... a dutiful son ...
... grew up as a gamer building battlebots ... sort of build it in the garage type
... attends a small college, on a scholarship ... studies artificial intelligence
... does not believe in sentient machines
"Gerry Wong was lonely, although he would never admit it. Maybe his destiny was to remain apart, to be a singularity. But Gerry was not one to accept fate. He was determined to explore the mysteries of the human soul. Like all the other first year college students."
Instead of starting college life with a date at Homecoming, Gerry is pranked and publicly humiliated by fraternity brothers
"He would track down the source and get revenge. They did not know who they were messing with. He placed his fist against the cold brick of the building and pushed as hard as he could. The building resisted, and his rage burned itself out. Maybe he should just let it be. No reason to turn this into a repeat of his high school years. No need to start a war. He was not going to pledge a fraternity anyway. He had more important things to do."
... lives on a farm a mile outside a village in Vermont in the late 1750s during the French and Indian War
... speaks English and French and can read and write
... has an Indian lover
... curses the French captain who struck her grandfather when he protested the army taking his goat
... arrested after the Captain is killed by falling stones from the church steeple
... the Priest thinks she is a witch, Major Boucher thinks she is an English spy, they plan on hanging her
... despite being tortured she ... refuses communion ... won't reveal who her Indian lover is
a townie ... the older brother of a girl Gerry was tutoring
... a member of the Shakespeareans ... the computer gaming club
... young entrepreneur
... brilliant and demanding boss
" ... a petite young Asian woman wearing grey slacks and a starched, white, lab coat entered and smiled at him."
... works in the macromolecular crystallography section of VIA Inc.